Have you ever paid attention to the fact that we hear God the clearest when no one else is around. In silence. In seclusion. God likes to reveal things to us that no one else needs to know. Until the right time. 

The problem is, when God reveals things unknown to us and unknown to others. We want to feel empowered in that favor and share. Boast even. God absolutely want us to call on him. To reveal things to us. 

But it’s is up to us to keep it quiet until God wants it to be known unto others. 

We wonder why the enemy attacks, people discourage us, don’t support us, or talk us out of doing things... but why not?

The enemy uses those that are closest to us to discourage and remove us from our path because they know a familiar face will be the easiest to throw us off course.


Let him tell YOU a secret.

What God reveals to you ISN’T for everyone.


“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”

Jeremiah 33:3 ESV

Jeannette Maharaj King